This year when we took the kids to see Santa I knew Koley, and Bentley wouldn't love it, but I have a picture of the kids with Santa every year and can't pass it up! These are going to be the fun ones to look back on:) Bentley did OK until Koley started screaming. Kayden stayed looking at the camera, and Nilson thought it was so funny:)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Santa visit 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Koleys haircut...
Well I chopped Koleys hair the other day. I ended up doing it myself, since I don't live buy my hair dresser cousins anymore, I new she wouldn't let a stranger she didn't know do it so with Kayde buy my side I did it. It is allot shorter but she loves it! Mandy, LeeAnne don't look to close:)! Before
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Child for sale...
Koley did her very own makeup today, can you tell:) She is for sale, any takers? Little stinker!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Bentley has the craziest hair, we just cut it for the 3rd time! The 1st time Aunt Raynie did it them the 2nd time Nana did, I could not handle it any more, I couldn't even wait for Kayde to help so I did it myself, well with Koleys help:) It is so hard to get pictures of this kid so this is the best I could get.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween 2009...
This year we had a great Halloween, the kids were able to dress up twice this year and loved that. Nilson would live in his costume if I let him, Bentley not so much he didn't love his to be a bee!
The 24th we had our ward Trunk or Treat, and then went out Trick or Treating on Halloween, they now have WAY more candy then they need over a lifetime! I even told them I would pay them $$$ if I could have it, then I could go through it and keep the chocolate for me, and throw out the rest! They didn't love that idea. I hate having all this candy Koley thinks she can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! When I tell her NO she says, "but mom I love candy, I need to eat it cause its SOOOOO good!"
This year we had a Devil, Angel, Power Ranger, and a Bumble Bee, they all looked great and loved there costumes. Kayden and Koleys favorite part was getting their makeup, and Nilson loved his blue hair! He didn't want to wash it out, silly boy!
I can't believe that Halloween is over! This year has gone so fast! I wish time would slow down!!! My kids are getting to big and I am getting older:( Sometimes I wish I could freeze the time!Hope everyone had a good Halloween!


Like I said before, he was not crazy about his costume so it was hard to any pictures of him! This picture Kayden was standing behind me trying to get him to laugh, and from his face you can tell he was scared of her, it was pretty funny:)

I am so sad I don't have my camera, taking them with my cell phone they don't turn out very well but they will have to do until I can get my camera, sorry they are pretty fuzzy.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Random stuff...
Last week we went to a fall festival, it was so fun, the weather was great, and they had some fun stuff, They had the coolest stuff that the kids could play on that were made by the Amish, they loved them!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tan man...
While I was in Eagar with my family every Thursday we got to go watch Tanner play football it was so much fun to watch him, he is awesome, he played awesome and scored tons of touchdowns.
Tanner we had so much fun watching you play, we love you so much and miss you tons, thanks for the awesome brother, uncle, and friend you are, miss you!!!Tan the man #23
Friday, October 2, 2009
Bentley 6 months...
Bentley is just a few days over 6 months. I can't believe how time has flown, he has been so much fun since he is a little older and not so fussy! He is starting to sit up and will sit there for quite awhile until big sister comes around and thinks she needs to help and... well the pictures explain. He doesn't crawl any where he rolls, and is pretty good at it, he gets were he wants to go, I am a little worried he may never crawl! I don't know how much he weights he hasn't had his 6 month checkup with the move and everything, but at his 4 months he was over 16 lbs so he isn't tiny! Now if he would just start sleeping through the night!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We made it
We made it to Ohio, and are loving it, it is beautiful, and I have a husband back! I love the area, there is everything, but it has the small town feeling. Here are some pictures we took driving around yesterday.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Koley...
Yesterday was Koleys 3rd birthday. I can't believe she is 3! She is such a fun girl, and she just makes us laugh all the time. She is such a good big sister to Bentley, and thinks she is his little mother. She misses her daddy, and can't wait to see him next week. Everyday she ask when we are going on the airplane with daddy?! She can't wait, and neither can I:)
We love you so much Koley!!! Koley 2009

Right after she was born