Today is Kaydens birthday. I can't believe we have a 10 year old! I am starting to understand what people mean when they say, "enjoy them while their young, it goes buy fast!" Time has gone buy so fast! We have enjoyed Kayden from day one, she is such a fun kid, and could not ask for better, she is so responsible, and loves to help out, I don't know what I would do without her help, especially while Kayde has been gone! Kayden we love you so much, you are such a joy in our lives!!!!
The pictures are just random pictures, I had to go through pictures on my dads computer, and all my pictures are in storage so I just got some random ones, no particular order.
Right before we cut off her hair.
Kayden and Meg at the county fair.

Happy Birthday Kayden!! Gosh I can't believe she is 10 already!!
Double digits. . .wow! She looks so grown up in that first picture you posted. She is so beautiful! Happy Birthday Kayden!
Seriously, do you beat your kids into submission?
wow! 10 pretty crazy! Cute pics!
Tell Kayden we love her!!!
Happy Happy Birthday Kayden Dear! We love you so much!!!!!! I hope you had an awesome day!
I can't believe she is 10! Funny that both of your girls have had black eye's. I love seeing pictures of her when she was little. So sweet. Tell her we said happy b-day!
Happy Birthday, Kayden. I'm glad we got to do a few piano lessons. I will miss you. Come play the piano for me when you visit so I can see all you are learning.
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