We made it to Ohio, and are loving it, it is beautiful, and I have a husband back! I love the area, there is everything, but it has the small town feeling. Here are some pictures we took driving around yesterday.

We made it to Ohio, and are loving it, it is beautiful, and I have a husband back! I love the area, there is everything, but it has the small town feeling. Here are some pictures we took driving around yesterday.
Yesterday was Koleys 3rd birthday. I can't believe she is 3! She is such a fun girl, and she just makes us laugh all the time. She is such a good big sister to Bentley, and thinks she is his little mother. She misses her daddy, and can't wait to see him next week. Everyday she ask when we are going on the airplane with daddy?! She can't wait, and neither can I:)
We love you so much Koley!!! Koley 2009
Today is Kaydens birthday. I can't believe we have a 10 year old! I am starting to understand what people mean when they say, "enjoy them while their young, it goes buy fast!" Time has gone buy so fast! We have enjoyed Kayden from day one, she is such a fun kid, and could not ask for better, she is so responsible, and loves to help out, I don't know what I would do without her help, especially while Kayde has been gone! Kayden we love you so much, you are such a joy in our lives!!!!
This is Koleys nice black eye. The pictures are from my cell phone, so they are not the best. But anyways a couple weeks ago we were staying at the Arizona Grand Resort, and Koley went in to use the potty, well some how she slipped off the toilet and hit the bathtub, yes nice I know. Poor girl. She hates when I try to take a picture of it, so these pictures don't do justice, I had to try and trick her with my cell phone. Little stinker!
Well we found out last week that we are headed to Dayton Ohio! We are excited, especially to be back as a family again! It has been way to long away from Kayde! Kayde got their on Monday, and he will fly into phoenix the last weekend in September, then we will all fly out with him then, and have our car shipped out. We are just going to rent an apartment or house for a couple months, and then we will get a house. That way since we don't know the area we will have time to see were we want to live. Kayde said it is so pretty right now and I am so anxious to get out there! Also my dad served his mission in Ohio, so that was exciting!
We are going to miss everyone so much! And we are so great full for ALL our families help in everything! Thanks mom and dad for letting us live with you for the past 3 1/2 months, it has been so nice to spend time in Eagar before we take off.