Jennie wouldn't update our blog from our trip so I'm doing it for her. New York was a blast and I would highly recommend it to anyone. We got to see alot of cool sites and places you see in the movies. Ground Zero and the Statue of Liberty were our favorites. It is very humbling and sobering to stand at those sites and reflect on the freedoms we enjoy and the represent.
New York skyline from Central Park.

oh, I am jealous. So glad you guys had a great time. Maybe someday I'll make it there!!!
Looks like you had a lot of fun! The pictures are neat!
Thanks Babe for updating, it has been realy bugging him that I hadn't done it yet. You could have been a little nicer to your wife about her slacking though!
Love ya
Jennie, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I am a little jealous, o.k. a lot jealous.
Am I the only one who thought the Eiffel Tower was in France? Or am I the only one who actually read this post?
I was a little entertained because at first I thought that you might have been referring to the animal's butt when you mentioned "standing at her feet"...
It did look like a cool trip, though.
That is funny. No the eiffel tower is not in New York, he meant the Empire State Building. I did'nt even notice it when I read it.
I'm so jealous of you guys as well! New York is someplace I've always wanted to visit. I'm glad you got to get away and have some fun together.
On another note, Kayde you should probably take it easy on your sweet wife! Of course this is coming from another pregnant slacker, but besides being tired, our hormones are a little out of whack at the moment and we both have the capability to whoop up on you and Tommy if need be!
You guys are great and we love ya!
Amazing! How fun that you guy's got to do that. Thanks for the pictures and sharing your experience. Someday...
Wow a trip to New York!! That is awesome, I am glad you had such a great experience! Congrats on your new little one coming in April! I love the picture up top too!
Since watching You've Got Mail (one of my favorites,) I've always wanted to go to NY. Looks like you had a good time. Now I can say in honesty that I actually know someone who has won SOMETHING!
That is to funny that you have a personal blog assistant. NY sounded like you had a great time.
So stinkin fun! I love it. Someday...
I cant remember if I have ever posted on here and admitted that I "check out your blog" occasionally. Anyway...I know Kayde from FOREVER ago when I used to visit my cousins (Rynda and Darren Shumway) in Eagar. I met Jennie a couple of times around town too since I knew that you both were really close before Kaydes mission too. Well...I live here in NYC. I served my mission here in 2000-2001 and then I have lived here for almost 5 years now. I TOTALLY would have loved to meet up with you all for a bite to eat or something. Dang! I hope you had fun here. Oh...Dawn Despain is one of my friends from AZ because she is in my parents ward....what a small world!
I'm due April 11th. Also, Heather Cook is due in April too. I like being close to other peoples due dates so we can complain about symptoms and totally know what the other persons talking about at that specific moment. If you need a break from the kids, just call me, I'd love to take them from you.
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