Sunday, January 13, 2008

My little boy is six!!!

Silly boys! We went to the park for Nilsons birthday with our families. He wanted a transformer birthday party. We had fun, and he got all kinds of fun stuff.

He had some help unwrapping his presents.

Getting ready to blow out his birthday candles.

They are so excited to be taking this picture!

They are good buddies!

It is crazy to think how fast the last six years have gone by! He has always been such a fun kid, he has been my little buddy. I had such a hard time sending him to school, because we had so much fun together during the day. But he was my baby for 5 years, until Koley came along. We love you Nilson you are so much fun for mom and dad!!!


Rusty and Ashley said...

I love the first picture with the boys! Nilson's smile is perfect! It's just like a six year old should look when he is perfectly happy! It was so much fun celebrating with you guys, thanks for letting us!

Rusty and Ashley said...

By the way, I need to know how your doing your page so cute! Is it shabby princess? Let me know!

Heitmann Family said...

Happy Birthday Nilson!! The last time I saw him was a family reunion and he was just a baby!! Time flies way too fast!!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday kiddo! Wow, I remember him in diapers! Looks like a great time and great weather!