Saturday, December 1, 2007

We love the rain...

It has been raining for the past two days and I love it!!! It makes it fill like winter, Koley likes it to she went and got the step stool that she sees Kayden and Nilson use and put it at our window by our front door and just watched the rain outside.


*Katie May* said...


Rusty and Ashley said...

So Cute Jennie! She is my little bud! I don't blame her for wanting to watch it, I loved the rain too!Did they get your car all detailed and back to you or what? Oh and really cute page by the way!Those wish list are adorable!

Heitmann Family said...

We are having a ton of rain here too. Got to love Winter in Seattle. And I don't think it is going to end for a few days!! Koley is a doll!

Heitmann Family said...

Hey could I get your email along with any of your other family, namely your mom and dad so I can send them our family newsletter?!! You can email me at


Dawn said...

We loved the rain too! It was hard to get around doing errands, and soooo cold in Prescott! Maybe this weekend we'll get some snow! Are you going to be in Eagar for Seth's reception? I'm trying to talk Colton into coming with me...

Anonymous said...

hey Jen,
I have a card for Blake and Martha. We so wanted to go up for the reception, but we are too broke right now. Do you have an address for them?

Sariah,Chief Editor said...

I am sure it is nice to have something other than just sun! Step stools are the best, it opens a whole new world for the little ones. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!

Dawn said...

jen, where are you??? Come back! I missed you in Eagar this weekend, maybe next time!

Dawn said...

Ok, so you changed your template, but where are the holiday photos?