Well I have officially joined the blogging world (thanks to Raynie). I guess I will just start with a little family update...
Kayde and I have now been married for nine and a half years, time fly's when your havin' fun! We have three little hukkleberries of our own. 

- Kayden just turned eight Sept.11th. She is our little spunky thing. She is in second grade and loving every minute of it.
- Denilson is five and a half now and in kidergarten. He is his sister's little protector (so he thinks...)
- Koley Paige just turned the big one, and it makes me sad to think my baby is growing so fast. She just learned to walk, and it is funny to see her stare at her feet as she works so hard not to fall. She can always bring a smile to your face, even though she is turning into one sassy little girl!
Kayde and I are just living life to our fullest trying to get in every moment with our kids. It is amazing to see what unfolds each new day. Kayde and his brother Josh run their own buisness now, and they are doing a dang good job at it. Koley and I have turned into quite the shopping buddie's since my two kids are in school. We also try to get together to hang out with my sisters and their little ones'. Now that we have this blog, I will try my hardest to update you all on our new happenings'...
Yeah Jenny- I have been hoping that you would jump on the blog wagon. It has been so long since I have seen you or your family. I think the last time was when your little guy was just a baby. I don't think I have seen your husband since before you guys were even married. You have such a cute family. I am glad that you are doing well and I am excited to catch up on what you guys have been up to. Our blog is www.heitmannfamily.blogspot.com and if it is ok, I'll link you on my page. Love and miss ya, and I am REALLY glad you started a page. Chow- Your Cuz Aimee
Wow, it took you this long to start blogging also!! We just joined this weird world, it should be lots of fun...I haven't figured out how to link you yet, we are on Aimee's blog or Nikki's blog. No pic yet, maybe next week when MacKenna arrives.
I am so excited you started a blog!! Your little family is so cute, Andy and I just want to get ahold of your little baby!! She looks like she is fun to love on. We will be checking in on you guys, tell Kayde hi for me. :)
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