Nilson was baptised on January 16th by his dad. It was a very special day. We are so great full for our parents for coming so far, it is hard being so far away from our family, but are so great full that our parents came out here and for everyone here from our ward and work that came and supported Nilson on this special day!

How fun! Lauren will be baptized in May she's so excited and a little nervous her and Bryant have been practicing, so cute!! Congrates Nilson, we sure do miss you guys!
Wow! Where does the time go? I'm so glad your parents were able to come for Nilson's special day. Tell "Wilson" congratulations on following our Saviour's example from us! Love you guys!
Congrats Nilson! I can't wait til Kiley gets baptized. I want to do an invitation kind of like yous. So cute!
That is wonderful!! Such a neat milestone to finally reach!! Congrats to you Nilson!!
That's awesome that you were able to have family come! Such a special time and what a handsome boy he is!
What a special day. I am glad your parents were able to come to. One of the few things I remember about my baptism is having grandma and grandpa there. Tell Nilson we are excited for him. We miss you guy's!
I am SO glad we were there! Love you guys and we are so proud of you Nils!
Nilson congrats! I can't believe you are already 8! It's crazy how time flies, I don't like it! especially since you guys are so far! Love ya!
lol! the word that I have to type for the word verification is sweetie. That is what you are Nilson a sweetie!
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