Last week we got a call for Nilsons teacher that he was going to be the student of the month, and they were having a little presentation on Friday, well later that day when I picked the kids up from school Kayden informed me that Nilson had to go to the principles office because he bit a kid, well talking to his teacher and Nilson he was on the playground and there was a boy not being nice to a little girl and so Nilson went over to help her, and the boy took Nilson down, well this boy was alot bigger than Nilson, and Nilson couldn't get him off and so he bit him! So we had to have a little talk about that.
Well then the next day ( the day he was getting his student of the month) we walked into the office, and they said "Oh, we have something for you that Nilson brought to school", and she pulled out a pocket knife! I couldn't believe it, well we were leaving for Colorado later that day, to go and see uncle Reese and Aunt Jamie on their ranch and Nilson thought he would need it there! Oh man boys will be boys!!!